Our physios have extensive knowledge on how to diagnose and treat a large range of musculoskeletal injuries including those listed and more.

  • Back pain is the most common injury seen in physio clinics and affects up to 85% of the population. Physiotherapy can help improve pain, function and help prevent the injury from recurring.

  • Neck pain is a very common issue. It can be related to whiplash, compressed nerves, general tension and prolonged work postures.

    Physiotherapy has been shown to be effective in the treatment of neck pain.

    Treatment may consist of soft tissue massage, joint mobilisations, acupuncture, stretches and advice on prevention strategies.

  • The success and healing of a sports injury can be boosted with early physiotherapy treatment.

    Physiotherapy advice on injury prevention strategies are essential to ensure you don’t lose more game time later in the season.

  • A pregnant woman has an increased susceptibility to injuries, especially around the back and pelvic joints. This is partly due to the tilting that occurs in the sacrum, and partly due to a loosening of the ligaments due to increased levels of the hormone relaxin.

    Pregnancy pains can be reduced with soft tissue techniques such as massage and joint mobilisations, the use of sacroiliac belts, education on posture and strengthening exercises.

  • The most common running injuries are Achilles tendinopathy, calf sprains and runners knee. Often these injuries stem from minor disruptions in the runners biomechanics. Physiotherapy is successful in assessing and correcting these disruptions for optimal running performance.

  • Ankle injuries are common and if not managed appropriately they can persist for months or recur and cause frustration.

    Do you have an ankle sprain that isn’t improving? You may be eligible for FREE physio under the new ACC Careway pathway. If you think this might be you, call Kirsty to find out more.

  • Hip and groin injuries occur commonly in sports involving twisting and turning such as soccer. Appropriate physio treatment leads to a rapid recovery.

    However, ignoring symptoms or rushing back into sport can lead to longstanding injuries.

    Book now for treatment and advice.

  • Headaches have been called ‘the most common complaint of civilised man’ and they affect two-thirds of the population.

    There are many different causes of headaches but if your headache is associated with neck pain or restrictions in neck movement then physiotherapy can help.

  • Physio rehabilitation before and after surgery is essential for optimal outcomes.

    Common surgeries that require rehabilitation are shoulder, knee, lumbar spine and ankle.

  • The shoulder is a very complex area of the body and requires an in-depth assessment for accurate diagnosis and management.

    Injuries range from rotator cuff tears, bursitis, tendinopathy, dislocation, frozen shoulder and the list goes on.

  • Knee injuries range from the more severe meniscal tears and ligament ruptures to frustrating injuries such as runners knee or Osgood-schlatters.

    If you have a serious ACC knee injury or a diagnosed ACL rupture, meniscal tear or patella dislocation you may be eligible for FREE physio under the new ACC Careway pathway. If you think this might be you, call Kirsty to find out more.